30 Miniscule Things For Infinite Happiness

From someone who managed to turn their life around

sainte ferris
2 min readOct 25, 2021
Kai Visuals on Unsplash
  1. Wake up the same time everyday — you’ll naturally start falling into a sleep routine.
  2. Try to avoid using a screen in the morning.
  3. If you need to, try to not use social media.
  4. Drink water first thing, not coffee — wait at least an hour to have your coffee.
  5. (And try to drink it black.)
  6. Get into the habit of reading. It might be hard at the start but once you find what you like to read, you’ll reap so many benefits.
  7. But again, don’t force yourself to read books you aren’t enjoying.
  8. Or TV show for that matter. No matter how big they are, if you didn’t like the first episode of Squid Game, don’t force yourself.
  9. The same way building the habit of reading might be hard, the same thing with working out. So try to find a way make exercise fun for yourself.
  10. Eat something green.
  11. Drink water more than anything.
  12. Journal.
  13. Seriously, do it. Whether in a notebook or audio/video recordings — get your thoughts out.
  14. If you’re tired, go to sleep; nothing is worth you guzzling coffee and energy drinks for.
  15. Meditate. Pray. Breathe.
  16. Dress how you want to dress.
  17. Use sunscreen.
  18. Floss.
  19. Take the extra two minutes to unsubscribe from all the annoying newsletters in your emails.
  20. Watch the sun rise every once in a while.
  21. Smile to yourself in the mirror.
  22. Have a cold shower.
  23. Stretch/do a yoga routine (even if following a video from YouTube)
  24. Subscribe to a sentence of the day — whether it be a historical fact, a Bible verse, a Shakespeare quote; find something that will give you a notification daily to make that day even more unique.
  25. Go for a walk in the park.
  26. Try to not use technology at meal times.
  27. And try to eat at the same time everyday.
  28. Having a structured routine is what will propel you that 1% everyday as you follow your habits/systems to slowly and steadily achieve your goals.
  29. But don’t beat yourself down if you have a day off because life happens.
  30. Pick yourself back up. No one else will.

Remember that you’re here and there’s no reason to break yourself down. Life is too short to not try and do that 1% that will bring you up where you deserve to be — and that’s to be happy.

Maria is a poet, essayist, academic and music critic who still occasionally dabbles in fan-fiction and doesn’t yet understand Twitter. If you want some visuals, here’s a YouTube channel also.

